What in the Sam Hell is wrong with Marion Barry?? The former mayor of Washington, D.C. gained his infamous reputation after serving six months in Federal prison after being caught in a sting operation for the possession and use of crack cocaine. In October 2005, a 71 year old Marion tested positive for marijuana and cocaine in a court ordered drug test. Barry, who returned to the mayoral office from 1995-1999 and currently serves as a city councilmen, apparently has some new tricks up his sleeve.
Why So glum, Barry?
Over the July 4th weekend, Barry was arrested and charged w Stalking.. Yes STALKING his former female companion, a Miss Donna Watts-Brighthaupt. The same Miss Watts-Brighthaupt for whom in January of this year Mr Barry purportedly bought an $800 fur coat, despite working to pay off $277,000 IN BACK TAXES.
(Mayor Marion Barry, pictured right, with one of his party pals.)
While we here at The Jesus Juice find this to be reprehensible (if not unexpected) behavior from any public servant, we'd like to offer this: LET HE WHO HATH NOT PERSONAL VICE, CRAZED AND POTENTIALLY DRUG FUELED INFATUATIONS WITH FORMER LOVERS, OR WHO HATH NEVER OWED A FEW $DOLLA$$ AROUND TOWN WHILE TRYING TO BUY YOUR LADY FRIEND A FUR COAT-- CAST THE FIRST STONE. Thats what we thought, beeetches!
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